What is it?
- Sturdy & flexible solution for percussion, friction and attrition crushing,
- The final product fineness can be adjusted to application requirements,
- Large range of flow rates.
The ball mill (batch or continuous process) tends to be the most suitable solution for a wide range of applications
Working principle
Environment and recycling Process
- The ball mill is made of a cylinder rotating on a horizontal shaft, including a grinding charge & fed with the (wet or dry) material to be finely ground,
- +/- 2/3 of the drum volume is filled with the grinding charge,
- The drum rotates on the shaft at a precise rotation speed, optimized for crushing,
- The product is ground by impact, friction or attrition.
- Continuous process (wet or dry product),
- From medium to large flow rates,
- Designed for overflow or peripheral unloading,
- Can be ventilated for drying or cooling,
- Drying is possible during grinding process or at crusher outlet,
- At outlet, the product undergoes a particle size separation (by screening, by air separator (most common) or by hydrocycloning (wet way)) to obtain desired paticle size. The oversize is recirculated in the crusher,
- Low maintenance costs,
- High reliability.
Widely used in all sectors of industry:
- Fine milling of Minerals, metal products, chemical powders, agro-food & pharmaceutical (organic & inorganic) powders.
- For products from recycling and waste conversion
- Batch process or continuous process. For wet or dry products.
- Sturdy & flexible solution,
- Wide range of products,
- Large variety of applications,
- Particle size from a few cm to 1 µm,
- Wet or dry ginding,
- Batch or continuous milling,
- Solutions fitting customer's needs,
- Many options available:
- Temparature maintenance,
- Drying,
- Products maintenance in a controlled-atmosphere,
- Sieve, aeraulic separation or hydrocycloning,
- Safety grid,
- Electrical cabinet,
- Sound-proofing,
- Adjustable particle size and particle size distribution,
- Minimum maintenance,
- Various sizes for different grinding finenesses and flow rates.